Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Perfect Fan

It has been a while since I wrote last and I need to catch up. I have so much to write about lately. Whether I think about how much I miss my family or thinking about relationships over the years, I have much to share with the world. So, we will start at the beginning. Yes, I mean the beginning. No we are not talking biblical but we are talking about where I began.

Throughout my life, I have had two people that have been there by my side. I never realized the importance of my parents until I graduated from high school. Of course, I cared and loved each of them but was an independent person through much of my life and tried to only let them know of what I needed or was struggling with until the last minute. As a child, I know I could be a handful and always wanted to be involved in it all. Surprising how my life is still that way.

When I was in middle and high school, I knew they expected "perfection" and I strove to live a life in such a manner. With that, I worked to make great grades and stayed involved in a plethora of activities, both during and after school. However, I did not realize when you have multiple children it can be more of a challenge.

Many times my parents only had time to drop me off at events for they were taking the others to daycare or their daily activities. I did not mind. Unfortunately, I became distant during my high school years because I never felt like that supported my activities. I felt like they only cared for my brothers but little did I know they always cared about me. I just seemed to go through that first born selfish phase.

When I left for college, it was bittersweet but not too hard since I moved in with my grandparents. My parents called and visited often. Mom was always by my side even when dad was overwhelmed with work and not able to attend or talk. Regardless, I knew that they cared.

It was in college how much more that I realized I needed them to talk things through on a daily or weekly basis. As my education progressed in college, my guidance became less and less and focused more on life lessons and getting their perspective. Through my years in college, they supported all my endeavors and attended many of my performances and ceremonies.

When I moved away to Lawrenceville, it was the first time I felt I was on my own but did not know I would face many challenges in this somewhat cruel world. However, I never forgot my parents, whether calling for advice or calling just to say "hello." I know I am not perfect but do try to live a life of virtue and promise. My parents have raised three great children with little praise or thanks for doing it. Therefore, I write this blog in honor of them, my parents, who have been together 27 years (28 years in August). Although they face struggles from time to times, they always make it a happy home and that I am thankful for and for raising three great sons each with our own personality and interests.

As I make up my memories of Georgia to move to Florida, I know that no matter where I go that they will love me unconditionally and be there for me through my trials and tribulations of life. Today, I salute to Darrell and Patti Dominy for teaching me how to me a man and educating me in a way that will provide for a family in the future. May God continue to bless our family in the ways that he always does. Love is timeless and their love is truly timeless for each and their children.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Music of My Heart

Time after time I resort back to the understanding that music helps me understand and put words into place for my emotions. In the last few days, I have thought long and hard about life in the direction of what God is telling my heart. At times, my heart seems sad or gloomy but most times it is full of excitement and energy to take on the world. Further, I look back at my parents and how they introduced me into the music world and kept me going with music through years of rehearsals, practices, and performances either as a saxophonist or a vocalist. I love them for their relentless support and care of me through the years because as the Backstreet Boys said "[they] were the perfect fans."

Anyways, today's blog is more about where I am and the shape of my heart. No, this time it is not a boy band tribute. Although, I could if I wanted to. As of right now, my life is heading in a new direction. I have officially announced that I am leaving Chi Phi Fraternity in July and that I will be packing up my life, as I know it in Georgia, and moving to Florida. Who would have thought after almost 24 years of life that I would move out of state? I did. I knew from the beginning that God had better plans for me and it may or may not involve living in Georgia.

Back to my focus, it is amazing how God shows us through music how to relate to our emotions. This week on Glee Mr. Shuester, Matt Morrison, encouraged the glee club to understand the journey of life and how it relates to their performance at regionals. Now, I look at life in a similar regard. Our life is a journey and at times music relates to get us where we belong in that particular place in time.

Now, I am preparing to embark on new experiences as a graduate student in Higher Education and will work with different types of students, faculty, and departments, whether on campus or off campus. I look forward to it all but know that my legacy that I leave with Chi Phi means more to me than anyone can understand. I know I have only been here for over a year but it feels like a lifetime of memories.

Thus, Matt Morrison's rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" spoke to me in a very emotional way. I researched the words and will provide them below. As individuals, we all "wish upon a star and want to wake up where the clouds are far behind me." We hope for the best in all we do and hope that the past remains in the past; however, I have never had an experience as working for Chi Phi that has developed me more as a human and a professional.

I want all educators to know that you are making a difference, whether it is in your own life or the lives of students and other professionals. Take each day as an opportunity and dare to dream so you do not ask yourself "Why, Oh Why can't I?" because you can.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dream of
Dreams really do come true

Someday I wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemondrops
High above the chimney top
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dare to
Oh why oh why can't I

Well I see trees of green and red roses too
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Well I see skies of blue and
I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark
And I think to myself what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
and also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands saying
How do you do
They're really saying I, I love you

I hear babies cry and I watch them grow
They'll learn much more then we'll know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world

Someday I wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemondrops
High above the chimney top
That's where you'll find me

Oh somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dare to
Why oh why can't I...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Opportunities

It has been over a week since my last blog; however, I have had a few experiences that give me material to discuss through my blog. Therefore, I will catch you up on what is happening in my life. During the last week, I have seen potential career opportunities, frustration with people in my life, and had the opportunity to work with alumni and educate them about my generation. Each of these experiences has allowed me to evaluate my life a little differently than I have recently done through my religious pursuit.

As the week began, I evaluated what I plan to do with my life. I know that I am meant to work with college students and helping them enhance their college experience. However, I have never thought to look at it further than just that. Currently, I work in fraternity and sorority life and will be working as a graduate assistant in service learning at Florida State in the fall. Ultimately, I know I want to be a Dean of Students or Vice President of Student Affairs. The way I get there is through different opportunities and God's plan for my life.

As the week progressed, my understanding of what my future holds was hinder by frustrations with people who think they need to be involved in every decision I make as well as tear me down to make them feel empowered. I have learned that you will not "rain on my parade." I take each day in stride and know that they are only trying to do what is in the best interest of myself but sometimes those individuals need to step back and let life happen. It ALWAYS turns out like it should.

As the week came to a close, I spent time with alumni from across the Southeast educating them in various capacities on how to work with Chapters and Colonies as well as be an effective mentor and advisor. Although I experienced frustrations during the week, I love having the ability to educate others and help make a difference in the lives of college students. My favorite component of the weekend was the discussion I lead on the "Millennial Generation of College Students." As a member of this generation, it made me look deep at myself and help guide alumni into understanding us more. I do know that we have a tendency to be self-centered, highly competitive, and are more confident but we are striving to be a more accepting society.

Because of these concerns, I hope to provide the necessary tools to ensure that students to not lose sight of the important parts of communication and social interaction. It is even more important that generations before us understand so that they may help build the gap between the Baby Boomers, GenXers, and the Millennial generations. Social Excellence is crucial for this to continue. It is something that will change not only your life but the lives of others. It will make you more of a value to society and show how our generation has not lost the enthusiasm to care for others. Therefore, I believe in Phired Up Productions challenge:

"Challenge yourself everyday, in every social situation to engage. Be open. Be willing. Be curious. Be vulnerable. Be confident. Be responsible. Be fun. Make the decision. Dare yourself to be socially excellent and share the dare with others."

Make this a goal for yourself and you will see a difference not only in your life but in the lives that you interact. Thanks for listening to my learning outcomes this week and hopefully will have a new one for you tomorrow... until then, Love and Respect.