Sunday, May 23, 2010

Changing my Heart...

Often times in life we find ourselves seeking guidance and searching for fulfillment. I remember growing up and thirsting for knowledge in God's word and now I realized that I had strayed away in various forms of my life. Yesterday, I attended a wedding and saw two of my close friends get married. They seemed to truly be filled with God's love and I yearn for that. I never understood it until yesterday watching them and then having a great faith based discussion with my best friend, Elisabeth. Our discussion focused on where I had strayed as a Christian and where I need to re-center my life... GOD. In this world, our faith is one that can be shaken so many times and we fear to return to it only due to societal norms in certain surroundings.

Well, I have decided to return to find what made me happy so long ago. God's abundant love and His will for my life. This morning I have sat in my room reading and listening to music and scriptures about God's word and the words from Jeremy Camp's "There Will Be A Day" sticks with me:

"I try to hold on this world with everything I have but I feel the weight of what it brings and the hurt that tries to grab the many trials seem to never end. His word declares this truth that we will enter this rest with wonders anew but I hold on to this hope and the promise that He brings that there is will be a place with no more suffering..."

So thus, I stand at a crossroad praying and seeking God's guidance through His word. I ask that whoever reads this will pray for me as I work through this time. I am excited and renewed to know that God is still out there hoping for me to come back to Him.

Let this be the beginning...

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